Dictionaries, Searching the


TIP: To save a lot of time logging your foods, read Log Your Meals in 5 Minutes a Day.


Diet Power has three dictionaries: the Food Dictionary, the Exercise Dictionary, and the Recipe Box. (Each appears in several places: the Food Dictionary, for example, also shows up in the top window of the Food Log.)


The Four Search Methods


Beside the Find field is a list box showing which search method you are using. To choose a different method, click the image\diet0046.gif button to open the list; then click the method you prefer.


(Note: None of the methods is case-sensitive. That is, you can find Beef Wellington by entering "beef wellington," "BEEF WELLINGTON," or even "bEeF wElLiNgToN." Also, you needn't worry about diacritical marks. Entering "crepes" will find crêpes suzettes, for example; "munster" will find Münster cheese, and "pina" will find piña colada.)


1. Incremental Search


To find an item with Incremental Search, simply begin typing the item's name. If the name is a two- or three-word combination, the order generally doesn't matter—water skiing, for example, is listed as both "Water skiing" and "Skiing, water." (In the Food Dictionary, this is true only if you've loaded the name variants described in Food Dictionary, Abridging and Unabridging.) Typing the letter W scrolls you to the first entry beginning with W, and when you add A and T, the list jumps to the first item beginning with WA and then the first one starting with WAT—and so forth. A few keystrokes should bring you within easy scrolling distance of any entry you want. To clear the box for a new search, press the Escape key. (Incremental Search is not available on the Food Dictionary's PowerFoods page, because the foods there usually aren't in alphabetical order.)


2. Keyword Search


Unlike an incremental search, the keyword method can find modifiers like "baked" or "uphill" that aren't near the beginning of an item's description. (This is the default method in PowerFoods.) How to use it depends on whether you're searching for foods and recipes or for exercises:

3. Category Search


(This method is not available in the Exercise Dictionary.) A category search instantly narrows the Food Dictionary or the Recipe Box to just one of Diet Power's 72 food categories. After selecting this method, open the category list by clicking the drop-down button beside the "Find" field. Click the category you want; then press the Enter key. Diet Power will immediately list all items in the category. (You can further narrow the list by performing a second category search, since many foods and recipes reside in two or more categories.) You will always know when you're looking at a narrowed list: the left margin will turn violet. To restore the full dictionary for a completely new search, press the Escape key. (Note: Although a cursor may sometimes appear in the Find field after a Category search has narrowed the list, you can't type a search word into the field. The cursor is a mistake that we'll fix in a later version.)


4. Smart Search


In the Food Dictionary, this is the default method, automatically in place the first time you use Diet Power. (Smart Search is not available in the Exercise Dictionary.) Smart Search affords you exactly the same features as the food-and-recipe version of Keyword Search (including multiple search words and the misspell, synonym, and "or" functions)—but instead of scrolling from item to item, it assembles all of the found items into an alphabetical list. (You can further narrow the list by performing another Smart Search on it. As in Category Search, narrowed lists have violet left margins.) To restore the full dictionary for a completely new search, hit Escape. (You may first have to highlight one of the foods in the Found list, by clicking it.)


(To see a Food Log tutorial that includes Smart Search tips, click here.)


Another Reason to Use Smart Search


When you search with one or two keywords, Smart Search organizes and color-codes the results. Red foods at the top of the list are similar items that you've logged recently; blue foods below these are your next-best matches.


Red Always Means "Recent"


In all Food Dictionary lists, any food or recipe that you've logged recently will appear in red. (This is true no matter what search method you are using.) "Recently" means within the past 30 days unless you've requested a different period. (The range is one to 999 days. To change the period, use the Miscellaneous Options dialog.)


Ignored Words


Smart Search and Keyword Search do not recognize minor words such as the, a, an, with, oz, and cup, because including them would only slow your searches. Hence, if you're looking for corn on the cob, entering "corn on the cob" won't find it—but entering "corn cob" will. (This limitation does not apply to Incremental Search, which recognizes all words.)


To repeat a previous search:


Diet Power keeps a list of all the keyword, category, and Smart Searches that you perform, in case you want to repeat them. (Incremental searches are not saved.) To repeat a search:

  1. Choose a search method, by clicking the image\diet0046.gif button, then the method you want.

  2. Click the drop-down button beside the Find field. A list of previous searches will open, with the most recent at the top.

  3. Scroll to the search you want, and click it. Diet Power will copy the search into the Find field and close the list.

  4. Press Enter to perform the search.

When a search fails:


In an incremental search, if Diet Power can't find the item you've specified, it simply scrolls to the one that's closest alphabetically. This doesn't always mean the item is not in the dictionary—it may be under a different name or spelling. Before giving up:

In a keyword or Smart Search, if Diet Power can't locate an item containing the words you've specified, you'll get a message saying, "No matches were found." Get rid of the message by clicking OK or pressing the Escape key. Then try different keywords or spellings—maybe your spelling was so far off that Diet Power couldn't fix it. (Remember that the misspell function does not work in the Exercise Dictionary.) It also helps to enter fewer keywords in a search—you'll be less likely to exclude an item whose description is slightly different than you expect.


If the item is not in the dictionary...


...you can do one of two things:

Is your copy of Diet Power more than a year old?


An upgrade with larger dictionaries may be available. To find out, visit Diet Power's Web site at www.dietpower.com.



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Last Modified: 6/29/07