Copying Diet Power


The rules for copying Diet Power depend on which version you have.


The free trial copy of the Personal Edition...


...can be duplicated and distributed to any number of people without charge. (For information, see Free Trial Copy, Converting to Permanent Version.)


But if the trial copy has been converted to a permanent version... more than four people may use the copies you make, and all of those users must reside in the same household. If you let a friend or relative who doesn't live with you copy the program, you're breaking federal and international copyright laws and can be prosecuted.* For details, see License Agreement with Diet Power, Your.


(For groups larger than four people, Diet Power offers special licenses. See Diet Power, Other Editions of.)




Here's another reason not to let friends copy your Diet Power: If they buy the program, you can get a 20-percent commission and help Diet Power spend more to improve the program. See Make $$ as a Diet Power Dealer.



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Last Modified: 6/30/07